Author: Gawain

  • Bunratty Victory – I win! 😀

    So after a disappointing Gibraltar I played the 4ncl keen to gain back some rating points. Unfortunately it was not to be. In the first game I played Martin Burrows. I didn’t really get anything out of the opening and was worried I would be worse strategically if I did nothing. I tried a piece…

  • Gibraltar Round Up

    Hello all, After feeling guilty not having posted myself while Sue somehow finds time to update despite working 12 hour days. Here I’ll comment on the Gibraltar tournament round by round and try to explain what went wrong. Round One: Black vs Eesha Karavade IM This game set the tone for the tournament. After playing…

  • Fundraising Dinner

    At the request of Sue I’m writing a guest blog about the Fundraising Dinner held at Simpsons on the Strand. This was organised very efficiently by the English Chess Federation President CJ de Mooi. He managed the impressive task of bringing over the two players who dominated chess for 30 years, Anatoly Karpov and Garry…

  • World Championships have started!

    Another delay between updating and I’m sorry. We spent the weekend out at Ross’ house up in Raumati South. It’s a beautiful big colourful house right on the beach front where Sue and I get delicious food, to play with their three dogs Amber, Ruby and Smudge, and to escape the centre of town. Ross…

  • Catch up

    Hi everyone. A special treat for you, it’s me Gawain writing an update for a change We’ve both been really busy recently; Sue is doing her nannying course which takes up all of her time, whilst I’ve been writing my chesspublishing updates, coaching and recently signed a contract to write a book “How to Beat…

  • 2 Rapids & 2 Simuls

    It has been such a long time since I have written (I even tried to get Gawain to write some words but he’s too busy). I have started my course since I last wrote (which is the reason why Gawain is is New Zealand), we’ve played in the Bay Of Plenty Rapid, Gawain did a…

  • Oopsy Daisy

    I thought I updated at least once on our trip but I didn’t! Aren’t I bad? And now there won’t be news for a while as Ga’s next tournament is over Easter again in Australia Doeberl/Sydney International Open.  I thought i updated at least once on our trip but I didn’t! Aren’t I bad? And…

  • Australia Time

    Happy New Years! NZ is one of the first countries to see the sun rising across the horizon. We’ll probably be up to catch a taxi for our 6am flight across the Tasman. We spent the last few days having a bbq at a bach the first day was horrible weather, cold, windy and rainy…

  • Test chess game

    [Event "Wellington Open"] [Site "Wellington, NZ NZD"] [Date "2009.12.27"] [Round "1"] [White ""] [Black ""] [CBBWhiteId "*"] [CBBBlackId "*"] [Result "1-0"] [Setup "1"] [FEN "Test"] 1. e4 d6 2. c3 Nf6 3. d3 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Be2 O-O 6. h3 c5 7. Nbd2 Nc6 8. Qc2 Rb8 9. Nf1 b5 10. Ne3 b4…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

  • Merry Christmas

    Gawain doesn’t think Christmas has ended (On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me Two turtle doves, And a partridge in a pear tree.). We spent Christmas + Boxing Day playing poker and Carcasonne. We’ve eaten way too much including Kapiti Ice-Cream and lots of chocolate. It’s summertime in New Zealand…

  • Happy Birthday Gawain!

    It’s Ga’s birthday well it’s 12.11am Dec 11th here (though of course he was born in England). We’re up not just because of that but as he is doing the commentary for the London Chess Classic starting @3am. He’ll be commentating today on Howell-Carlsen, McShane-Kramnik, Ni Hua- Adams and Nakamura-Short. We’ve just been eating awesome…

  • Work work work

    Another simul done (on Saturday)- this time with much easier opponents. Gawain played school kids rated Under 1400. He won all his games (21) in about 2.30 hours! This morning was another early start for him as he qualified to play in the ICC Gib Telecom Qualifier unfortunatley he lost in the semi finals to…

  • London Chess Classic – 8th-15th December

    Gawain will be doing commentary on ICC and the official site 2PM GMT or 3am here! .Carlsen,Kramnik, Short, Adams are some of the big names that will be playing in the closed classic as well as Luke McShane and David Howell as well as an open and Korchnoi. It’s in Central London and though…

  • Fame

    Last week we were front page news on The Dominion Post – Wellington’s version of The Times, The Sydney Morning Herald etc except without the 1,000,000+ circulation – this shows what NZ news is like. This article was publicity for Gawain’s simul at the Museum Of City and Sea (celebrating 10years) which he played…

  • November

    It’s been a bit too long since I last updated. Guy Fawkes has just passed (fireworks),we visited Parliament and the Museum of Wellington City and Sea. I’m not a big fan of museums (ones with stuffed animals or bodies… (mannequins) so that wasn’t so fun but Gawain will be doing a simul on the 28th…