What a city. We trained down from Bolton breaking the journey in Stafford using London Midland trains which offers cheap trains from Stafford to London (£7.90 2 adults + railcards) the journey took an extra hour going via Northampton but how can one complain when the fare was so cheap. So we made it in once piece (with several bags & luggage). The most expensive of our journey was our taxi fare from London Euston to Waterloo. The house was completely empty when we arrived and now we’ve made it live able. The location is unbeatable with a quick walk over the river reaching the likes of Covent Garden. Thanks to Sabz for letting us stay and shower as we had no bed or hot water. Now we’ve received a table and a fridge though our bed is not made yet. Ga and I aren’t big on practical things though we would like to think we can follow instructions the bed has left us stumped. We have made a frame and next to that is the mattress which we’ve been sleeping on. Tomorrow a nice man should come and help us assemble the bed or tell us there is a manufacturing fault either way hopefully we’ll have an actual bed soon. Ga has now confirmed Athenaeum for his London League team. I’ve applied for our visa to Russia and hopefully will receive them next Tuesday. At the visa service centre there were many confused tourists hunting down the necessary paperwork to allow them their visa. I think though the process has been a bit long winded but quite simple.
Next weekend we’ll be playing in the Sunningdale Congress part of Sean Hewitt’s e2e4 series. Maybe see you there!