Ga played 448 moves which averaged to be 56 moves per a game. And our winner Chris Dossett gussed 444 which wasn’t such a bad guess. I’m going to try and write a final update on the classic before we head of for a much deserved Christmas break.
This is a hectic time of year with the Classic, Ga’s birthday and of course Christmas with the family. We also attended the Ginger GM Christmas Party at the Rose and Crown which started with an open bar at 1.30pm and finished at 12.30am (for us at least as we went to sleep). This is another update needed! Here’s GingerGM’s photos of the eventful night which included a blitz match as well as some gambling.
We will be spending a week in Lancashire at Ga’s grandparents before heading down to East Sussex for Hastings Chess Congress. The World Cities Chess Team Championship will take place on 22-28 December in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates and London has entered a team. Currently seeded 8th the team consists of
1 GM Short Nigel D 2692
2 GM Howell David W L 2634
3 GM Gordon Stephen J 2533
4 GM Williams Simon K 2515
I’m not sure where London comes from as a city they represent as Nigel lives in Athens, David studies in Cardiff, Stephen is from Manchester and Simon lives in Godalming, Surrey. A more accurate team for London would be
1 GM Luke McShane 2713
2 GM Gawain Jones 2644
3 GM Jonathan Rowson 2586 Scotland
4 GM Robert Fontaine 2559 France
Not sure if you are allowed to be in another federation to play but all these GM live within the M25!
Merry Christmas to all our readers and we hope you have a fantastic time. Keep safe!