So it’s been a long time since I’ve last written and I’ve been meaning to, but does the thought count in this case?
A lot has happened since, chess wise I was on a bad streak, 0/7! I was going to write a post about it soon after it happened, but I decided to take a break and see what would happen when my thoughts became clearer and I was pleased to bounce back at the 4ncl with 2/2 for my new team White Rose.
I’ve now decided to try and do some reporting on the Classic, as and when I can, but this will be difficult as I’ll be working 8.30am-7pm Monday to Friday but I’ll try and do my best.
As you know, this year’s Classic format differs from the previous editions to cater for the recent World Championship match in Chennai. Vishy has agreed to play but Magnus is taking a well deserved break. So we have a new format, a rapidplay with 14 top players and 2 qualifiers from the open section.
Here are the groups below.
What are your predictions of who will qualify from the Group Stages to the Knockouts? Anything can happen and with these two qualifiers from the Open I fear that playing 4 games of long play then switching into rapid mode will not help their chess! Today’s draw is heating up with lots of interesting clashes!
There are loads of events during the tournament that you can play in or you can simply watch the World Class commentary! I know I’ll be at Olympia as often as I can. Work permitting!