Aix-les-bains, France – European Individual Chess Championship 2011

After a hectic journey from London to Aix les bains including the Northern liane having severe delays, the plane coming was late as well as a uneven passenger count and just catching the bus from Geneva Airport, we made it last night around 7pm. Eating some dinner was at the top of our list but we also attended the technical meeting asking the all important question about tie breaks (the first is “performance” which is TPR) which is not fair due to who you play in the first round can affect your TPR which isn’t good for example Gawain plays someone like a 2100 vs GM Peter Wells who plays someone like 1900 and if after they play an average of the same strength(if they have the same score) after this would favour Gawain.

The weather here is wonderful (the locals asked if I was cold wearing a skirt and I reply “no way, It’s so warm :)”). The food is good, picking up freshly baked baguettes, fromages , jamon, saucisson and the all important visit to the patissierie (Yummy).

Gawain’s game isn’t available online today (top 50 boards). He is playing on board 104(!). Check out the website here.



